Understanding Turkey Hunting Turkey Species There are several species of wild turkeys in North America, with the most common being the Eastern wild turkey, followed by the Rio Grande, Merriam's, G...

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Perfect Everyday Carry Knife
As hunters, we are all too familiar with the indispensable role that a sharp and reliable knife plays in the field. It is the quintessential tool for breaking down game, but what about the times i...

Scrape Hunting with Fred Eichler
It seems everyone has an opinion on hunting whitetail scrapes. I am no different . After having guided both archery and rifle hunters on whitetails and personally harvesting whitetails in 16 state...

I recently spent a week in Ohio on an amazing piece of property. While we had many trail cam photos of mature bucks in the evening, we just didn’t see any during the day. I continued west to Misso...